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Writer's pictureLorraine Celis, Trustee

North Central Dental Society – Trustee report

The IDA had a Board of Trustees meeting on January 22, 2022, at the Indiana Dental Association main office.

I. Introduction of AIR candidates which is a Leadership Development Program fully sponsored by the IDA.

a. Application is available to all IDA members thru the website.

II. Committee Chair Reports

Government Affairs Report – Steve Holm

a. Dental Day at the Capital – January 24, 2022

It was stressed how important it is that all members take the time away from their offices to meet with Indiana Legislators to inform them about the issues we face. To request support to help the profession of dentistry level the playing field between insurance companies and dentists.

Dental Students were not able to attend due to COVID regulations on campus

b. Senate Bill 136 in summary the Bill strives to address issues like pursuing non-covered services protections and providing much needed transparency in network leasing.

c. There are Legislative efforts to pursue a Dental Recruitment Bill this session but have been put on hold pending further investigation into the status of the Dental Compliance Fund.

d. Governmental Affairs Committee encourages all components to organize Legislative Forums in their areas of practice.

e. Fundraiser for Rep. Denny Zent was held at the IDA on January 24, 2022.

Leadership Committee Report

Dr. Jill Burns updated the Board on the creation of the ADA Delegation Task Force, chaired by Dr. Greg Phillips.

Task Force plans to submit its recommendations and resolutions regarding ADA Delegate election process at the April Board meeting. The leadership committee goal for 2022 was to streamline the committee application process. She reports the biggest challenge is recruitment.

Membership Committee Report

a. 2021 was a year of changes for membership in organized dentistry. Many members who once received a discount are no longer getting one (active life and some new members). The year was also expected to be a “rebound” from COVID, but many dentists faced numerous COVID related challenges in 2021, much like 2020.

b. Membership numbers End of 2021

3092 members 80%

2399 active 75 %

154 non-renews (down from 444 as of 1/31/21)

c. Programs

1. “Mentor Me” initiative pairing with D3’s with HOD dentists

We will have a kick-off party at MDA

New Dentist Outreach Initiative –funds given to components to host events

Mixology Class –coming in Spring 2022

Events being planned with IUSD

Communication Committee Report

Dr. Matt Kolkman reported that the main goal of the Communications Committee is to increase engagement year over year and continue to increase non-dues revenue. Accomplishments included the transition to the new logo, the continuation of the Presidential Pearls podcast, and the Ethics/Opiods CE publication. He noted the increase online classified ad revenue from 2020 to 2021. The goals for 2022 include finding new ways to connect with membership, including the implementation of a texting service and a revamp of website. Dr. Kolkman asked for the Board’s assistance in providing members for website task force to revamp the site and edit existing and new content. He also noted that there are two vacant positions on the Committee.

Peer Review Program Report

Cases open in Indiana 2021

Letters Acknowledgment 2013

Cases Opened 69

Cases open in Indiana 2020

Letters Acknowledgment 177

Cases Opened 39

Cases open in Indiana 2019 166

Cases Opened 70

When the IDA office receives a patient complaint, a letter of acknowledgement is sent. This letter explains the peer review process and includes forms that must be completed to open a case. When the forms are returned, the case is assigned to the appropriate local peer review committee to begin the peer review process as set forth in our peer review process.

Workshop training is held once a year and peer review members are expected to attend at least every other year.

Finance Committee Report

Dr. Nia Bigby reported that the goals for 2021 were a successful audit and balanced budget, both of which were accomplished. The same goals are set for 2022. The Board will review the 2021 audit and 2023 budget draft at the April 9th meeting.

Professional Development Committee Report

Chair Becky De La Rosa

Goals for 2021 created around Strategic Plan specially targeting membership. Continue to expand web-based CE and expand member benefits that have direct cost benefit.

a. hosted 50 free webinars with 1,594 participants for the monthly E-learning series

b. produced 34 online OnDemand webinars with 341 participants generating $14,880 in non-dues revenue

c. hosted 6 live CE seminars with 1,038 participants generating $143,687.50 in non-dues revenue and $12,800 total in sponsorship dollars/non-dues revenue

d. hosted 14 Live CE seminars with 345 participants generating $15,890 in non-dues revenue

e. OSHA/BLS has hosted 64 live CE session with 1,573 participants generating $132,061.50 in non-due revenue

f. Midwest Dental Assembly hosted 61 live CE sessions with 2,117 attendees and generating $390,691 total in non-due revenue and offering $133,277.01 in free member events

g. Completed 4th Annual CE Catalog with perforated 2022 CE schedule postcard for quick reference and added QR codes. We rebuilt and combined four years of E-Learning Series recordings into one system and used various categories to assist members with their 30+ webinar selections

To kickstart our 2022 goals, we created the IDA Current Issues Webinar Series featuring bi-annual live, two hour webinars addressing hot topics our members face in managing their practices. Our March 3rd session is on “Addressing Today’s Workforce in Dentistry” from 6-8pm featuring panelists Dr. Rebecca De La Rosa, Tom Bodin, Chris Cuadros and Blake Ring. Finally, we’ve incorporated various CE topics targeting emerging groups into our 2022 CE lineup with Center for Excellence, Midwest Dental Assembly, E-Learning, new OnDemand system and the new IDA Current Issues program.

The Midwest Dental Assembly will be held at the Grand Wayne Convention Center in Fort Wayne May 20-22, 2022.

May 12-14, 2023, Marriott Downtown Indianapolis

May 17-19, 2024, French Lick Resort in French Lick, IN

May 16-18, 2025, French Lick Resort in French Lick, IN

October 8-11, 2026, ADA Smile Con, Indianapolis, IN

Dental Practice Committee Report

Dr. Jeff Stolarz stated the Committee goals for 2021 were to safely resume in person student activities, which was achieved with a Welcome to the Profession reception in September 2021. Goals for 2022 include revising the Dental Prescription Reference Guide, to be published both electronically and physically by the end of 2022. In conjunction with the Dental Education Subcommittee, a Dental Education Summit is scheduled for March 5, 2022. Lastly, the group is working with the Workforce Task Force on a possible best practices manual for workforce retention. He said that the Board could support the Committee by promoting and participating in various events planned and conducted by the Committee.

IUSD report

Dean Carol Anne Murdock-Kinch reported that staffing shortages and workforce challenges have been felt at the school. She currently has 9 faculty positions open in various departments.

IUSD’s recent CODA site visit went well, though there is a small number of recommendations from CODA to follow up on. The full report is expected within a few weeks.


Mr. Dan Godfrey reported that due to COVID restrictions, 2021 was a slow year for the IUSD ASDA chapter, as virtual programming was challenging among virtual classes. He was optimistic for 2022 and invited private practice owners interested in hosting lunch and learns to reach out to him directly as they start planning Spring events.

He is hopeful student representation at the MDA will be about 20-30 students.

ADA Council on Communications Report

Dr. Rebecca De La Rosa, chair of the ADA Council on Communications, provided a report. She noted the four workgroups currently addressing different communications needs facing the ADA: Integrated Marketing, Strategic Communications, Leadership Connections/Spokesperson and Communication Effectiveness. Currently within the Council, they are focusing on inter-council communication by inviting all ADA Council leaders to participate in the communication effectiveness workgroups mentioned.

Presidents Report

Workforce Task Force

Dr. Hollar updated the group on the Workforce Task Force, chaired by Dr. Steve Ellinwood. He noted it had been difficult to make progress and task force had encountered many challengers. However, he was hopeful that the best practices manual being developed by the Dental Practice Committee would provide a helpful tool to assist with staff retention.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force

Dr. Hollar also updates the group on the activities of the DEI Task Force, chaired by Dr. Tom Blake. The group is working in conjunction with a similar IUSD task force. Dr. Hollar reported that Dr. Blake would be providing a report on the Task Force’s objectives and goals at the April meeting.

ISBD Updates

Report on changes to the ISBD

Dr. Matt Kolkman has been appointed to the State Board

Dr. Ed Smmons will be replacing Dr. Mara Catey-Williams

Twyla Rader, RDH new appointee

Tammera Gluckman new appointee to vacant consumer member position


April 9, 2022 Courtyard Marriot, Ft. Wayne

May 21-22 2022 Grand Wayne Convention Center

Fort Wayne

July 29-30, 2022 Leadership Retreat


September 24, 2022 IDA Central Office


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Writer's pictureLorraine Celis, Trustee


In July 23, 2013 an insurance trust agreement was created to establish and maintain insurance coverage for IDA members. This venture was created due to the high cost of insurance coverage and to offer feasible coverage to our IDA members.

If you have questions about getting an insurance quote, please contact Ashley Hudgins (800)562-5646.


Bryan Hendrickx, CEO and Mechanical engineer from Wisconsin partnered with Midway Dental to offer bulk buying of dental supplies and offer a significant discount to our members for enrolling in this program. Only IDA members are eligible to participate. By enrolling members, the IDA will receive a 2% revenue stream. Both the IDA and North Central Dental Society have taken the position of endorsing this program. This company does offer limited equipment service.


California Dental Association created a company to bulk buy. They wanted to create a member benefit for their CDA members but decided to expand their company to other States. They are currently in 27 other States. This company does not offer equipment service. Research has shown that distributors sell same products at different pricing based on location.


Dr. Tom Blake is our IDA treasurer. He reported a deficit of $100,000 attributed to 2% salary increases to employees. Employee health insurance increase of 3.5%. The last raise given to IDA employees was 5 years ago. The House of Delegates approved a $50 increase to IDA dues.


As of July 1, 2019, a 2-hour CE on OPIOID addiction and best practices is required to renew your license deadline is March.

Inspect report review will be a requirement for prescribing narcotics to any patient starting January 1, 2021.


Our president Jeffrey Cole states the “ADA took these actions out of concern for patient safety and to enable consumers to take action”. Please read the ADA News for the entire article.


Excellence in Professional Development Committee

Academy Subcommittee

Annual Session Subcommittee

Dental Practice Committee

Dental Education Subcommittee

Dental Benefits Subcommittee

Peer Review Subcommittee

Well Being Subcommittee

Dental Public Health Committee

Indiana MOM Subcommittee

Drinks Destroy Teeth

Infant Oral Health Subcommittee

Medicaid Subcommittee

Communications Committee

Website Subcommittee

Editorial Subcommittee

Governmental Affairs Committee

Public Affairs Subcommittee

Issues Subcommittee

Access/Workforce Subcommittee

Membership Committee

New Dentist Subcommittee

Leadership Committee

AIR Subcommittee

Nominating Subcommittee

Awards Subcommittee

Strategic Planning Committee

Finance Committee

Member Insurance Committee

Respectfully submitted,

Lorraine Celis, DDS

NCDS Trustee

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